About the Doctors

Dr. Shaun Weng YuLin

General, Cosmetic & Implant Dentist

Dr. Shaun Weng YuLin obtained the degrees Bachelor of Biomedicine and Doctor of Dental Surgery from the University of Melbourne. Graduating Top of his class, he is the recipient of the John Illife Scholarship Prize, the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons Academic Prize, the Colgate Dental Award and placed in the Dean’s Honours List.  After graduating he worked in Melbourne, Australia in both private and public sectors of dentistry focusing primarily on cosmetic, Invisalign and implant dentistry.

Aside from his doctoral degree, Dr. Shaun Weng YuLin also earned his postgraduate diploma in orthodontics and postgraduate certificate in clear aligners as a scholarship recipient from the UK accrediting body. Travelling to the USA and Guatemala to learn state of the art technology and procedures, he has also completed his fellowship in Implantology.

Dr. Shaun Weng YuLin taught at the University of Melbourne as a clinical demonstrator and examiner in the Fixed Prosthodontics Department helping to pass on his expertise to the newest generation of dentists graduating. As a lover of travelling, Dr. Shaun travels all across the world to learn the latest techniques and advancements in dentistry to be able to provide the best possible outcomes for his patients.

No. 1, 650 Biyun Road Jinqiao, Pudong, Shanghai 201206 Tel: +8621 6105 9400
818 West Nanjing Road, Room 1201 Jingan, Shanghai 200040 Tel: +8621 6363 6388
569 Yunle Road, Shop 111 Huacao Town, Minhang, Shanghai 201107 Tel: +8621 3490 9068