5 Reasons to Think Twice About Mail-Order Aligners

Woman smiles while holding Invisalign, not mail-in aligners

According to research, people with straight teeth are perceived to be 58 percent more successful. The preference for straight teeth has made more people self-conscious about their smiles. Unfortunately, the cost of perfect teeth requires a huge investment.

That’s why mail-order aligners have become so popular. You have seen mail-order advertisements that provide the same results as traditional braces or Invisalign for a reduced cost. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Mail-order aligners pose numerous risks. You should think twice about using them.

What are Mail-Order Aligners?

Mail-order aligners claim to straighten teeth without the trips to the orthodontist’s office or the huge costs. All you have to do is use an at-home kit to make an impression of your teeth. A clear alignment tray is mailed to you if you are deemed a good candidate. After using the trays for some time, you are promised straight and beautiful teeth.

The treatment offered by mail-order aligner companies is similar to Invisalign. The at-home options are appealing, especially if you are tight on budget. However, it is a risky procedure that you should avoid at all costs. Continue reading to find out the risks of mail-order aligners. 

Risks of Mail-Order Aligners

The American Association of Orthodontists cautions against using mail-order companies since improper treatment can lead to loss of teeth and costly dental implications. Consider these five risks.

1. No Supervision During Treatment

When you use mail-order aligners, you don’t get any supervision during treatment. When you go to an orthodontist, however, you’ll need routine appointments to ensure your teeth are moving at an efficient rate.

Mail-order aligners may move faster or slower than anticipated. You can also develop cavities or gum disease during treatment since there’s no supervision. A lack of supervision also leads to damaged teeth or a ruined bite.

2. No Comprehensive Exam Before Treatment

Orthodontists do more than just straighten teeth. They’ll identify and treat oral concerns before providing the orthodontic treatment. Orthodontists perform a comprehensive exam before recommending treatment. With home kits, serious health problems like cavities or gum disease can be easily overlooked. 

3. It Could be Costly in the Long Run

You’ll only end up with ineffective treatment when you use mail-order aligners. The poorly done alignment will damage your gums, lead to tooth loss, painful corrective procedures, and gum recession. You may end up paying more for straightening your teeth than you would have spent in an orthodontist’s office.

4. Aligners are Not for Everybody

Aligners are not the right choice for everyone. Orthodontists are in a better position to decide the orthodontic treatment that is right for you. Some patients can wear aligners, but others need braces to achieve the perfect smile.

Mail-order aligners do not fit everyone’s needs. It’s not possible to determine if you are a suitable candidate on your own. The American Dental Association recommends getting aligners from a licensed and experienced orthodontist to ensure you get safe treatment. Even though mail-order aligners will seem like a cost-effective way in the short term, they’ll be costly in the long run. 

5. Results are Not Long-Lasting

Mail-order aligners may be cheap, but they are only a waste of money. Mail-order aligners are not comprehensive for dealing with serious orthodontic issues.

Mail-order aligners may seem like an affordable way to straighten teeth, but they come with serious risks. Orthodontics is still the procedure you need to get a beautiful smile. If you want to invest in a beautiful smile, you should do so in a healthy way. Contact us to learn more about Invisalign or braces. 

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