Halloween is sneaking up on us, which means it’s the time of the year for children to collect bags of free candy and build a stockpile of sweets that will last all winter! We are all about indulging here at Puresmile, but we want to make sure you are also having a healthy Halloween.
Here are some tips from our Pediatric Dentist, Dr. Rana, to keep your teeth healthy this Halloween:
Time is Right
Save your Halloween candy and other sugary treats for after mealtime. This lets saliva production (that has increased during mealtime) rinse away extra food particles and cancels out the acids produced by bacteria in your mouth.
Choose Candy Carefully
Avoid hard, sticky candy that stays in your mouth for a long time. Parents can help lower the chance of tooth decay by sorting out the candies that are most sticky or slow to dissolve (for example: High-Chews, Laffy Taffy, lollipops, etc). Better ones will be chocolate or ones that melt or dissolve easily because they are more readily washed away from teeth by saliva.
Stay Away From Sweet Snacks
Snacking increases your risk of cavities and it’s double trouble if you keep grabbing the sweets from the candy bowl!
Limit Your Stash
Your teeth will thank you if you have a plan to minimize the amount of candy available. One great idea is to have the family pick their favorites and get rid of the rest. Another quick idea is to put excess chocolate in the freezer, where it can keep for up to 6 months. This helps to prevent having candy in plain sight where it’s tempting to snack on all day long.
Drink More Water
Drinking water often can wash away the sugar from the mouth. It does not replace good brushing but helps during the day and after snacking. Stay away from sugary beverages including soda, sports drinks, and flavored water.
Chew Sugar-Free Gum
Chewing sugar-free gum for 20 minutes after meals or snacks helps to reduce cavities because increased salivary flow helps wash the teeth and neutralize the acid produced by bacteria. Perhaps you can hand out sugar-free gums as Halloween treats instead of candies!
Offer Healthy Snacks
Munching on carrots, celery, apples, and other healthy produce can scrub away the plaque buildup and sugar from the mouth.
Fight Decay After All the Sweets
Brushing two times a day (before bedtime at night and after breakfast in the morning) with fluoridated toothpaste for 2 minutes and flossing between the teeth can help ensure good dental health. Around Halloween, it’s a good idea to add a third brushing session after candy or mid-day meals. Remind everyone to be extra diligent with home-care and take extra precautions during the holiday season.
Visit the Dentist Twice a Year
Regular visits can help prevent the problems from occurring and catch problems early!
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